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the portrait of a lady中文是什么意思

用"the portrait of a lady"造句"the portrait of a lady"怎么读"the portrait of a lady" in a sentence


  • 伴我一世情
  • 贵妇的肖像
  • 贵妇画像
  • 贵妇人画像
  • 贵妇肖像
  • 淑女本色
  • 一个青年女人的画像
  • 一位女士的画像


  • She banished both demons in 1995 with a smart , sensual turn amid the star - studded cast of the summer smash batman forever , and proved herself more than capable of carrying a film all on her own with the breakthrough success of gus van sant s to die for . given her pick of scripts thereafter , kidman settled on the lead role in an adaptation of henry james the portrait of a lady , to be directed by her long - ago advocate campion , who was riding her own wave of accolades stemming from the piano
    基德曼是个细腻认真,善于学习的好演员,在她尝试改变戏路的影片情深到来生to die for中,她入乡随俗,改变欧洲风格,出色地表现出一种美国式的亲切温和,成功地刻画了一位贤妻的形象,受到美国观众的热情欢迎和喜爱。
用"the portrait of a lady"造句  


The Portrait of a Lady is a novel by Henry James, first published as a serial in The Atlantic Monthly and Macmillan's Magazine in 1880?81 and then as a book in 1881. It is one of James's most popular long novels, and is regarded by critics as one of his finest.
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